My Approach:
We build the foundation for our emotional operating system at a young age, based on our environment and the relationship with our primary attachment figures. In our early developmental years, we create neural pathways in the brain that dictate how we relate to others and how we understand, process, cope with and express our emotions.We carry many of these learned adaptations and coping mechanisms into our adult lives. Each experience we go through in childhood and adulthood creates new pathways in the brain.Understanding the impact of our experiences on psychological development allows my clients to break free from old patterns and create new methods of relating to themselves and others.
The Psychotherapy Process:
1. Exploration and building the therapeutic relationship:
Together my client and I will explore the challenges they are facing and look to understand them on a deeper level. My goal is to create a welcoming, collaborative and safe space for clients to explore their emotions.
2. Learning and Awareness:
Using different therapeutic modalities, my client and I will analyze root causes and work towards releasing repressed emotions. Helping my clients develop self-compassion and comfort with vulnerability is an integral part of the learning process. Throughout the therapeutic journey, I will provide psycho-education and various teaching tools to help my clients broaden their understanding of their patterns and feel empowered to make changes.
3. Integration:
During the integration process clients will enhance their capacity for healthy emotional self regulation. Together my client and I will integrate this learning into concrete skills, resources and coping strategies they can use to improve their communication, relationships, self care practices and mental health.